Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CUPPING anyone?

I bought Yin and Yang massage voucher from LivingSocial. I've been dying and excited to go for a massage. It has been too long!

I went in there to just have normal massage and hopefully ease my stiff and painful back and shoulders. I told her that it has been giving me a lot of problem and she suggested cupping to me. I've seen it online on youtube and find it rather disgusting and scary! Since she said she will do the treatment for me free of charge - hey! why not! haha

So.. what is cupping?
(source from http://www.cuppingtherapy.net/)

Cupping therapy is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure by a vacuum. The Chinese have been doing this since ancient times by using heat inside glass or bamboo cups. Nowadays, cupping sets use suction to create the vacuum. The vacuum inside the cups causes the blood to form in the area and help the healing in that area.

Ancient Chinese medicine have believed that the body contains "Meridians". These meridians are pathways in the body which the energy of life called Qi ("chi") flows through. It flows through every body part, tissue, and organ. Cupping therapy is mainly performed on one's back because there are five meridians on your back. When these meridians are opened, the internal energy is able to flow through the whole body.

Another healing aspect of cupping therapy is through the release of toxins in your body. The suction from the cups can penetrate deep into your tissues causing the tissues to release harmful toxins. It triggers the lymphatic system, clears the blood vessels, and stretches and activates the skin.

Cupping therapy has been found in ancient records dating back 3500 years and it is still used today by many alternative medicine practictioners. New advancements in technology and materials have been integrated with cupping therapies and its uses now range for many different treatments and applications.

How Cupping Therapy Works
Cupping therapy works by reducing the pain we feel in our bodies. In alternative medicine, pain is believed to be caused by problems relating to your Qi flow. This can be related to stress in the body, imbalances of hormones and fluids, lack of blood flow, and temperature in the muscles and joints. When a suction cup is place on a problem area, the vacuum pull of the cup creates warmth and circulation in the area. Very soon, you will feel that the pain is reduced.

In Chinese medicine, all the organs are connected together. So if you have a problem with one organ, it can affect the health of other parts of your body. For example, it is believed that the kidneys are connected to a persons aging. A person with an imbalance or disease in the kidneys will experience more graying of the hair, wrinkled and dry skin, etc.

The use of cupping therapy has many benefits and can be applied in many treatments. Some of the conditions cupping therapy can be used in are:
  • Constipation, IBS, diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Back Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Sciatica
  • Skin Problems
  • Period cramps
  • Weight problems
  • and more

The Results?

It kinda ease the pain at my back.. but I am really not sure that I don't feel the pain because of the bruise from the cupping or what. haha.. The treatments is not painful. Just imagine a strong vacuum cleaner on your back! haha. I only feel the pain when i'm lying on my back.. ouch... My whole back looks like I got abused real badly...


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